ELLIS graduates earn a New York State Regents Diploma, and in addition to coursework, students participate in internships for at least one summer and 3 trimesters. Students have opportunities to take college-credit coursework at ELLIS and on college campuses through dual-enrollment partnerships with SUNY Potsdam College in High School, CUNY College Now, Russell Sage College and the College of Mount Saint Vincent. College attendance and completion are clearly articulated as the goal for our students, as supported by targeted college access and success counseling. Over three-quarters of our graduates go on to college, and about half of these students earned college credits while at ELLIS and matriculate to 4-year colleges, mostly as members of opportunity programs (e.g. HEOP, EOP). Eighty-five percent of our alumni who matriculate four-year colleges have persisted in their Bachelor’s degree programs (or have already graduated).